NOTE: Dr. Bike does NOT specialize in primary depression or bipolar disorders, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, chronic health issues, current abuse, eating disorders, or addictions. HOWEVER, other clinicians do. If any of those are part of your experience, continue your therapist search because you deserve to find a good match for your needs.
Beyond Talk Therapy & Skills Training
You might seek out therapy wanting skills to manage stress and change habits. But it's so common that early or later traumas need our attention to provide lasting relief. It's important to heal from those, to truly move on. That's why Dr. Bike uses "bottom-up" approaches, such as Internal Family Systems (IFS) and EMDR.
IFS is a widely-used treatment for anxiety and early trauma. IFS teaches you to safely and compassionately navigate your inner experiences. ("A part of me feels anxious. Another part can't stop worrying. My parts want things to be perfect in order to feel safe.") Parts are a way of conceptualizing implicit content asking to be met with tenderness, so past pain can stop taking over your present.